Marketing Illustrations

Project type: stylish contents for various social platforms and advertising campaigns.

Work process: these days, the brands of fashion, beauty and luxury for their advertising increasingly order content, both images and videos, for social platforms and for different display advertisements. Especially in these sectors of fashion, beauty and luxury, the growth of popularity and of the brand are driven by the presence on social platforms.

We create campaigns both for interesting projects of start-up brands and for established brands.
We make also illustrations that can be used as a blog banner, as an avatar elegant and stylish, for profiles on social media.
To complete a similar order, it is necessary to do a search and analysis on the style used by the client in his social platforms and on the message he wants to communicate to his potential customers. At the same time, we complete a market analysis to understand how to create a unique marketing proposal, combining our fashion illustrations with customer products.

Our services, for fashion, beauty and luxury brands, who want to boost their social presence are:

  • Innovative posts with illustrated and designed contents tailored to your brand and perfect for instagram, facebook and all other social platforms
  • Stylish content for facebook, instagram and youtube stories

  • Expand text...

Recent work: Instagram Posts
Customer: Alberta Ferretti

Project type: illustrated contents and graphic design for online and printed advertising and marketing.

Work process: in our studio we create on demand illustrated contents and graphic design for marketing and advertising campaigns in a more global way and not just artworks made solely for use on social media.

Including fashion illustrations and graphic designs for packaging, advertisements for companies to be used for visibility on fashion magazines and artworks ready to be printed and to be used wherever the customer needs commercial visibility as an advertisement.

Furthermore, our illustrated contents and designs are requested by the brands for the creation of the most classic graphic design products for business advertisements, such as logos, business cards, catalogs, website designs (both for the site itself and for site restyling), invitations for events.

Our digital fashion illustrations and our graphic designs are particularly suitable for advertisement and social marketing, precisely because of their digital nature since their birth, which makes them easily adaptable even during working processes to all contexts and individual needs of the customer and his specific advertising campaign.

Especially because it is possible to change the elements of what is already drawn when the project development needs it. This is the beauty of the digital :)

Recent work: Annual jewelry catalogue
Customer: Wolfers Jewelry